Jorge Garcia Del Arco, CEO at AQUADAT

Jorge Garcia Del Arco, CEO at AQUADAT


A #SDG6 explorer focused on the invisible challenge of water quality @ #SealOfExcellence #H2020 #GreenDeal

Over 30 years of fast and intense management experience (Sales, Marketing, Strategy, Customer Experience Management) throughout the entire Telecom supply chain, BPO and Shared Value consultancy.


OUR WHAT : Transforming water quality data into useful information for decision-making by different agents. Three action vectors:


OUR WHY : Sustainable Water Management (Economically, Socially and Environmentally)






My confession: I´m a fan of Mr. R. Buckminster Fuller “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

A bonus one: I get fired up about Social Innovation and SDGs. Now focused on #SDG6


Industry experience

Education: M.B.A

Seniority: Board director, CEO, COO, CFO, President, Provost

Years of experience: 5 to 10 years
